461st plaque

461st Bombardment Group (H)

764th Crews 765th Crews 766th Crews 767th Crews

Ahlberg - #42 Barcus - #123 Barnes - #53 Barnhart - #59 Bauman - #44 Baumann - #46 Bigelow - #54 Bontempo - #1/26 Boyd - #44R Bridges - #5/5 Brothers - #41 Chester - #9/1 Coates - #96- Coleman - #58- Conner - #4/7 Courtney - #50R Curtis - #152 DeSpain - #57-0 Donovan - #45 Dunn - #54-1 Edwards - #40 Ehrlich - #45R Falkner - #8/29 Farnham - #42R Fawcett - #50 Fernsten - #49R Fink - #9/22 Friedersdorf - #8/28 Garner - #50-1 Guyton - #10/8 Hall - #6232 Hatem - #4/16-9 Hesser - #56 Holmes - #47 Hooper - #12/12 Hoskins - #124 Hutchison - #102 Jehli - #42-1 Kassian - #57R1 Kuhlman - 52R LaRock - #1/30 Ledendecker - #4/6 MacDougall - #41 Mahlum - #1/6 Malvin McKee - #154 Merkouris - #49-7 Miller - #10/23 Misius - #56R Moses - #7/25-1 Mowery - #49 Nixon - #42 O'Neal - #10/31 Pearce - #55R Philips - #8/22 Ray - #58-0 Ridenour - #3/3 Roberts - #52R Robertson - #48 Seeman - #43 Settle - #55 Shaw - #43-1 Sidovar - #10/16-1 Simon - #53 Sobieski - #8/22 Sterret - #7/12 Tebbens - #3/12 Thomas - #46R Townsley - #58-2 Trier - #55-1 Vahldieck - #1/30 Vanderhoeven - #50-1 Ward - #53-2 Webb - #6781 Webb - #8/28 Wiemann - #6413 Wilson - #44-1 Wilson - #52 Wood - #51 Wren - #7/23 Wright - #52-1 Yetter - #56R Zive - #59-0

Hall - #6232

Hall crew #6232 

Standing L-R: Mitchell F. Hall, Jr. (P); Vitautas V. Zelinskas (B); Richard V. Ursem (CP); Glen E. Troth (E);

Kneeling L-R: Clyde L. Henry (BG); Theodore P. Brooks (NG); Dominick S. Ziparo (RO/WG); Warren G. Whaley (TG); Edward J. Morris (TTG)

Not shown in photo is Albert R. Colangelo (N)

The following is from Dave Whaley, son of Warren Whaley.

The crew assembled and trained in Boise, Idaho and was assigned to the 766th Squadron on 18 October 1944.  We flew 30 missions about half of which were flown in ship #50, "Rough Rider", whose Ground Crew Chief was Sgt. Mason.

This is the personal diary of Warren G. Whaley

It is about the daily happenings of his life overseas (transcriber's comments are in parenthesis)

(My father wrote in cursive and used an ink pen with a medium tip and some of the words he wrote are hard to decipher.   I wish he was still around to help me decipher them.

I am sitting here transcribing my father's diary while watching "Band of Brothers" on the History Channel.  I can only imagine the hell that 101st Airborne went through that 1st night and the slaughter of the troops landing on Normandy beach the following morning.

My father's diary is a 5 year diary.  Each page shows 1 day of the year and each page is divided into 5 sections, 1 for each year.  It is leather covered and has a leather tongue connected to the back and a leather clasp on the front that the tongue goes through so it can remain closed. See picture.)

Travel Notes

Nov. 10, 1942 Entered Army at age of 16 (lied about age)
Jan. 1, 1943 Arrived at Truax Field (Madison, WI)
June 10, 1943 Arrived at Buckley Field (Buckley AFB )
July 10, 1943 Arrived at Loury Field (Loury AFB)
Sept. 30, 1943 Arrived at L.A.A.F. (Laguna Army Airfield)
Nov. 8 1943 Made Sergeant upon graduation
Nov. 17, 1943 Arrived home
Dec. 1, 1943 Arrived Salt Lake City A.A.B.
Dec. 10, 1943 Made Gunnery Instructor
Mar. 5, 1944 Arrived Boise ID
June 1, 1944 Home on convalescent furlough
Aug. 25, 1944 Home on furlough
Aug. 31, 1944 Arrived Topeka
Sept. 5, 1944 Arrived Camp Patrick Henry
Sept. 11, 1944 Left Camp Patrick Henry for Europe
Oct. 5, 1944 Arrived Naples Italy
Oct. 13, 1944 Arrived 461st / 766th Bomber Squadron, Torretta Air Field, Italy
Dec. 25, 1944 Celebrated Christmas some place(sic)
Jan. 1, 1945 New Years

Start of Diary entries - Note: Diary only covers his service abroad after arriving in Europe on troop ship.

Oct. 6, 1944 Arrived in Italy after 28 days on the ocean.  Arrived in Naples. Docked at noon and went to the 19th Replacement Center.  Very muddy and cold.
Oct. 7-16, 1944 No entries in diary.
Oct. 17, 1944 Arrived in Bari.  Now a member of the 461st Bombardment Group, 766th Bomb Squadron.  Was fortunate to get a new tent.
Oct. 18-31, 1944 No entries
Nov. 1, 1944 First Mission
Target: Graz Marshalling Yards
Place: Vienna, Austria
Alt: 21,000 ft.
Time at target: 1310
Take off: 0901
Landed: 1556
Fighters: None
Flak: Intense and accurate
Damage: Engine #2. (I think) Flathead no. 2 after leaving target. Hole in fuselage to right and above ball turret. Holes in wings: Holes in Bombardiers comp.
Injuries: None
Plane #: 43

Note:1st encounter with flak. Scared as hell, lot of praying.

Nov. 2,3 No entries
Nov. 4, 19 Mission #2
Target: Augsburg, Marshalling
Place: Augsburg, Germany
Take off: 0750
Time at target: 1203
Alt: 26,000 ft.
Flak: Moderate-inaccurate
Fighters: 6, ME-109
Damage: None
Injuries: None
Landed: 1956
Landed-Emerg: Falconero, Italy
Plane #: 56
Temp: -51 deg

Note: Near airlock in engines.  Given warning to bail out over Swiss Alps.  Foot as caught in turret and if I had to bail out as had been ordered it would have been disastrous for me. More praying.

Nov. 5-10,1944 No entries
Nov. 11, 1944 Mission #3
Target: Herman Goering Benzoil Plant
Place: Lenz, Austria
Take off: 0602
Alt: 26,000 ft.
Flak: Moderate-accurate
Fighters: 5, FW-190
Damage: 6 holes
Injuries: None
Plane#: 41

Note: Came back over northern Italy.  Hit by flak.  One piece went through the (achliating?) system.  Cut through hydraulic lines and imbedded in mounting ring. Missing me by an inch.

Nov. 12-16,1944 No entries
Nov. 17, 19 Mission #4
Target: Florisdorf Oil Refinery
Place: Vienna, Austria
Take off: 0738
Alt: 24,000 ft.
Landed: 1408
Fighters: None
Flak: Intense-inaccurate-barrage
Damage: None
Plane#: 40

Note: Flak very inaccurate.  Closest to ship, 500 ft.  Morris grounded for this mission.

Nov. 18-19,1944 No entries
Nov. 20, 1944 Mission #5
Target: Blechhammer Oil Refinery
Place: Blechhammer, Germany
Take off: 0732
Alt: 24,000 ft.
At Target: 1220
Landed: 1642
Flak: Intense-accurate
Damage: near pilot, near co-pilot, and near radio.
Fighters: None

Note: Flak all over sky.  2 runs on target.  Hit by flak in 4 different locations.

Nov. 21-Dec. 8, 1944 No entries
Dec. 9, 1944 Bad weather for past 3 weeks.  Constant stand down.
Awoke: 0430
Briefed: 0540
Take off: 0740
Mission called off: 1000
Landed: 1235

Note: Emergency call at 1000 ft.  Received letter from Helen & Emily.  1 Package.  Briefed for Lenz.

Dec. 10, 1944
Awoke: 0350
Briefed for Brux: 0535
Take off: 0745
Dec. 11, 1944 Mission #6
Target: Vienna Marshalling Yards
Place: Vienna, Austria
Awoke: 0525
Briefed: 0630
Take off: 0839
Over target: 1240
Landed: 1616
Flak: Intense-accurate
Damage: None
Injuries: None
Alt: 26,000 ft.
Temp: -49 deg

Note: Back very sore from leaning forward in turret.  My penis was frostbitten(!).  I urinated in pants.  Was extremely nervous.

Dec. 12, 1944 Arrived at 34th Field Hospital.  Diagnosis: Polyuria.  Urinated in pants over Vienna, Austria yesterday.  Capt. Sproul M.D. said it was emotional.  3rd time it has happened.  Clean sheets, seems a long time I've used them.

T-4 Bailey is ward bay.  A good Joe.  Awfully sleepy and nervous.

Dec. 13, 1944 Had interview with Doc.  Not allowed to drink water after 6 PM  Urinate about every hour.  Read a couple of books.  Have good chow here.  My back hurts.
Dec. 14, 1944 Read a couple of books.  Having back rubbed.  Same urinary frequency.
Dec. 15, 1944 Nothing new.
Dec. 16, 1944 Ditto
Dec. 17, 1944 Wrote a couple of letters to Dad and Ginna.  Read a couple of books.  Lost 1 pound. Same urinary frequency.  Went to church.
Dec. 18, 1944 Christmas in air.  Red Cross lady has been decorating ward.  Gave me a bottle of Drene shampoo.  Read about 10 comic books.  Back still being rubbed but feels better.  Lost a couple more pounds.
Dec. 19, 1944 Doctor recommended me for 126th Gen. Hosp at Bari. Am leaving tomorrow.  Played a few games of Ping Pong.  I had some fresh Popcorn with butter.  Good.
Dec. 20, 1944 Arrived here at Bari at noon  Am in ward C-3 which is General Medicine.  Doc looked over case history.  Do not have same urinary frequency.  Nice looking nurses.  Very comfortable beds.  Very modern hospital.  Was an Italian hospital.  Lost $10 playing poker.
Dec. 21, 1944 Woke up with a helluva sore throat, cough and cold in nose.  Placed in isolation ward.  Cute nurse gives me rub downs.  Some fun.  Just finished "Jacque Casanova".
Dec. 22, 1944 Cold improved.  Sending me down to Psychopathic Ward.  Said urinary frequency result of "Combat Fatigue" or Psychoneurosis.
Dec 23, 1944 Interview with psychiatrist.  Said I'm very emotional, will stay under observation.
Dec. 24, 1944 Nurses were around singing Christmas carols.  I read some and went to bed early.  Went to church.
Dec. 25, 1944 Today Christmas.  Red Cross gave each a small present.  Had swell Christmas dinner.  U.S.O. show and movie.
Dec. 26, 1944 Gave Christmas party to German, Yugoslavian, and Polish refugee's.  They are Jewish orphans and are on their way to Palestine.  One little Yugoslavian gal was with Pertezons(?) for 1 1/2 years.
Dec. 27, 1944 Read some today and saw movie.  Fellows came to see me.  Had ice cream for supper.  Played ping pong.  Received 16 letters.
Dec. 28, 1944 Doc said today I would be leaving tomorrow for duty.  Saw a movie "5 Graves To Cairo".  Read a couple of books.
Dec. 29, 1944 Returned from Bari today.  Stopped at the 34th Field Hosp. and said hello.  Red Cross lady brought me to Squadron.  Saw fellows and officers.  Received 3 Christmas packages.  I received a letter from Ginna (sister-in-law), 1 from Emily (sister), and 1 from Aunt Abec.  No mission tomorrow.
Dec. 30, 1944 Went down to clean guns on 55.  Came back and received packages.  2 from Franz and 1 from Grace.
Dec. 31, 1944 Went to church this morning.  Chaplain Rasmussen.  Snowed all day.  Very cold.  Received 2 packages from Dad and letter from Ginna.  Also, one letter from Eddie Saylor.  Had a couple of drinks to celebrate the New Year.
Jan. 1, 1945 Had a very good chow.  Turkey and all the trimmings.  Played pinochle this afternoon.  Bingo tonight.  Received Christmas card from Emily (sister).  Wrote six letters today.  Rations issued today.  Shall read Bible and go to bed.
Jan. 2, 1945 Was on detail today.  Digging a ditch around the mess hall.  Received 10 letters, 1 package today.  Played pinochle tonight.  Got a new summer flying suit.
Jan. 3, 1945 Slept until 1000.  Cleaned up my bed.  Went to tours this afternoon and buzz bombed.  Played a couple of games of pinochle.  Also had a caricature made.  Had a portrait made of Helen's (other sister) picture.  Will be ready the 8th.  Turned in my cleaning.
Jan. 4, 1945 Had to go to gunnery class this afternoon.  Received 2 letters from Emily.  We had midnight snack of salami on toast and crackers. Tea. Cleaned stove pipe.  Got 2 cans of water.
Jan. 5, 1945 Slept until 1000.  Had chow at 1100.  Received laundry.  No school today.  No letters.  Played pinochle.  That T.P. looks like he hasn't showered for a month.  Read a couple of stories.
Jan. 6, 1945 Wrote four letters tonight.  Played pinochle.  Today received rations.  No mail.  Cleaned up tent. That Troth has been going to bed with hat on.  Zip got a double run in pinochle.  Shall read bible and retire.
Jan. 7, 1945 Went to morning chow.  Read and played pinochle.  No mail today.  Wrote two letters.  I had some excitement.  A tent burned up.  Had fried spam sandwiches and apricots before retiring.  Also, went to church this morning.
Jan. 8, 1945 Signed up for "first caucae"(not sure of spelling) at Armed Forces dist.  Cleaned guns on ship 55.  Henry's first anniversary tonight.  Celebrated with snack.  Played pinochle.  Received letter from Leroy Wilcox.  Answered it.
Jan. 9, 1945 Was runner today.  Lt. Hall, Ursem and Troth went to Gioia.  Rained all afternoon.  No mail.  Played Hearts.  Played bingo in Service Club.  Won $8.
Jan. 10, 1945 Snowed all day.  It is now 11 O'clock and 1 1/2 ft of snow.  No mail.  Lt. Coangelo came back from Bari  Pilot, Co - Pilot, & Engineer still at Gioia.  Saw Pat O'Brian & Carol Landis in "Secret Command".  Very good.  Wrote four letters.
Jan. 11, 1945 Slept until 1030.  Went to town at 1300.  Had Ice Cream & cookies at Red Cross.  Bought a basket.  Had some champagne.  Very good. No mail today.  P, CP & Eng. still at Goia.  Retiring at 1940.
Jan. 12, 1945 Went to town today.  Got a souvenir and my battle jacket.  Saw a show, "Follow The Boys".  Good.  Bought a kerosene lamp and ash tray.  No mail today.
Jan. 13, 1945 Received rations today.  Cleaned guns on 55.  New rumor: We are supposed to have only 25 sorties.  Ship 54 is now our ship.  No mail today.  My throat feels like I have been swallowing razor blades.  I feel lousy.
Jan. 14, 1945 Went to church this morning.  Very good sermon.  No mail today.  Saw Coleman and Marlena Dietrich in "Kismet".
Jan. 15, 1945 Mission #7
Target: Triviso, Italy
Take off: 0830
Landed: 1535
Flak: Moderate - inaccurate
Fighters: None
Injuries: None
Damage: None
Alt: 20,000-24,000 ft.
Over target: 1340
Ship#: 49

Notes: Briefed for Vienna but Mickey apparatus would not work.  So bombed this target which was 3rd alternate.  Temp -45 deg.  No mail today.

Jan. 16, 1945 Hurray.  Hurrah.  Yippee.  Hot Dog.  2 letters today.  One from Virginia, 1 from Mrs. Kelly.  Received Air Medal today.  Formation in rain.  Electricity on again.  Saw Andrew Sisters in, "Always A Bridesmaid".  Wrote a letter to Ginna and Dad.
Jan. 17, 1945 T.P. received a letter & a picture of Hazel today.  He's still drooling.  Received 5 letters.  Wrote four letters. Had some popcorn.
Jan. 18, 1945 Received one Christmas card from Helen & wrote one letter.  Also a letter from Helen.  Wrote a letter to Stan.  Cleaned guns on 55.  Had coffee & donuts at Red Cross on line.  Saw Abbot & Costello in, "Lost in a Harem".  Very funny.
Jan. 19, 1945 Went to town & took my cleaning.  Saw one of the fellows on my first crew.  Saw G.I. Training film.  Received 2 letters from Ginna.  Played pinochle.  Wrote a couple of letters.
Jan. 20, 1945 Cleaned guns on 55.  Read the "Punch & Judy Murders".  Very good.  Fixed air mail for sending home.  No mail today.  Wrote Pop a letter.  Mission tomorrow.
Jan. 21, 1945 Awoke 0425.  Briefed 0555.  Was just taking off & red flares gave us stand down.  Returned & went to church.  Slept this afternoon.  Had chicken & ice cream for chow.  Received one letter from Emily.
Jan. 22, 1945 Awoke 0415.  Briefed at 0545.  Stand-down at 0615.  Snowed all last night & this morning.  Some rain.  No mail today.  Played pinochle.  Am going to see, "Stage Coach".
Jan. 23, 1945 Awoke 0445.  Briefed on Vienna at 0555.  Mission stand-down at 0630.  Slept until 1100.  Went to town in afternoon.  Saw "Hollywood Canteen".
Jan. 24, 1945 Cleaned guns on 48.  Received 4 letters, 1 from Emily & 1 from Aunt Kate.  Saw "in the Meantime Darling" Jeanne Crain.  No good.  Played some pinochle.
Jan. 25, 1945 Went to town this morning.  Played some ping pong at Red Cross.  Had 2 pictures taken.  Got my cleaning.  Received 3 letters.  1 from Christine, 1 from Helen, 1 from Mrs. Wilcox.  Saw Donald O'Connor & Peggy Ryan in "The Merry Monahans".  Wrote Christine 1 letter.
Jan. 26, 1945 Read this morning.  Played pinochle & ping pong in the afternoon.  Received three letters.
Jan. 27, 1945 Received a letter from Kay.  1 from Mary B.  Received another letter from Kay.  Answered one.  Read a book.  Played pinochle
Jan. 28, 1945 Received a letter from Emily.  Went to church.  Went to town to get paid.  Had a squad lecture on censorship.  Picked for journey to Capri tomorrow.
Jan. 29, 1945 Weather did not permit us to leave for Capri.  Stayed in tent and read.  Went to bed early.  Received 2 letters.
Jan. 30, 1945 Weather did not permit us to go to Capri.  Actually we are on leave.  Wrote letters and read.  Unpacked.  Received 1 letter from Dad.
Jan. 31, 1945 Called off & cancelled till Monday.  Lost all my dough in a crap game.  Scheduled for mission tomorrow.  Received 1 letter.
Feb. 1, 1945 Mission #8
Awoke: 0450
Briefed: 0615
Target: Graz Marshalling Yards
Place: Graz, Austria
Take off: 0920
Time over target: 1320(?)
Landed: 1700
Fighters: None
Injuries: None
Flak: Moderate-inaccurate
Damage: None
Alt: 26,000 ft.
Temp: -35 to -40 deg

Notes: Briefed for Moosbierbaum, Austria but because of numerous aircraft accidents on ground slowed us up to 1½ hours late.  1 heated suit worked good - was not cold.  Lower back hurt and & went on sick call.  It is now 2000 and am retiring.  No mail today.  Mission was all screwed up.

Feb. 2, 1945 Was paid this morning.  Cleaned guns on 6.  Received a V-mail from Aunt Alice and Mayoue(?).  Played 2 games pinochle.  The fellows made Sergeant today.  No promotion for me.
Feb. 3, 1945 Went to a show.  Read a book.  Received no mail.  Played some pinochle.
Feb. 4, 1945 Was on detail today.  Shoveled sand and rock.  My back is hurting me.  Supposed to go to Capri tomorrow.  Received one letter from Emily.
Feb. 5, 1945 Left group at 1000.  Arrived Naples 1050.  Had lunch at a nice hotel in Naples Left Naples at 1300.  Arrived Capri 1530.  Registered at El Capano Hotel.  Spring mattress, sheets, desks and running water.  Sure is swell.  I ate at La Palma. Tonight the Ritz.  Orchestra while we eat.  Waiters & waitresses.  There is a lot of WAC's here.  Went to Luigi's and had champagne.  Then to seaside Club for dance.  More champagne.  Then sat in front of hotel and drank three bottles of champagne.  I got drunk and later got sick.  Oh my head!
Feb. 6, 1945 Awoke with a hangover at 0800.  Had breakfast at La Palma.  Bought presents for the girls, Kay & Ginna.  Spent about $50 so far.  Went to Anacapri in a hack, had quite a lot of fun.  Fellows went to Blue Grotto.  Guess I'll go tomorrow.  It is now 1800.  Went to Valentins Club.  Returned at 2230 and went to bed.
Feb. 7, 1945 Awoke at 0730.  Got dressed and went around town before breakfast.  Went shopping this morning.  Went around Capri.  Saw bell of St. Michael.  Had dinner with a WAC.  Alice was name.  Cute girl.  Going to bed at 0015.
Feb. 8, 1945 Slept late.  Did some more shopping.  Saw a movie.  Had dinner with Lt. Ursem.  Movie was "Winged Victory".  Came home early, played pinochle & went to bed.
Feb. 9, 1945 Awoke 1000.  Went to see the Blue Grotto.  Beautiful.  Took boat trip around Capri.  Went to see Marina Picolla.  Went to a dance then to a show.
Feb. 10, 1945 Got up for breakfast. Went shopping.  Saw U.S.O. show.  Very good.  MC Cy Reeves.  Had birthday dinner for Glenn.  Very nice, swell cake.  (Can't make out sentence).  Dinner was prepared by Jeanne Newkirk.  Had it at a Princess of Italy's home.
Feb. 11, 1945 Awoke at 0800.  Had breakfast.  Looked at war news room.  Played T.P. checkers.  Went to church.  Protestant service in a little German church.  Went to show in afternoon.  Old Oklahoma.  Went to a Mardi Gras.  Had a lot of fun.  Leaving for Bari tomorrow.
Feb. 12, 1945 Awoke 0630.  Had last breakfast at La Palma.  Franslaw is waiter.  Caught boat at 0830.  Arrived at Naples at 1100.  Left Naples at 1530.  Arrived back 1615.  Received 13 letters.  Went to chow.  Sure is different compared to Capri.  Going to bed early as I'm tired.
Feb. 13, 1945 Awoke at 0600.  Had breakfast.  Shoveled sand & gravel all day.  Received letter from Helen.  Also 1 package from folks.  Saw a bomber explode after 3 & 4 bombed out.  Went to a V.D. lecture by Chaplain Rasmussen.  Mission tomorrow.
Feb. 14, 1945 Mission #9
Awoke: 0430
Briefed: 0615
Target: Moosbierbaum Oil Refinery
Place: Moosbierbaum, Austria
Take off: 0855
Landed: 1558
Alt: 25,000 ft.
Temp: -30 deg
Flak: Moderate-inaccurate
Fighters: None
Damage: None
Ship: 56

Note: Flew an "L".  Really nice.  Was surprised at the inaccuracy of the flak today.  Usually very rough.  Received one letter from Gloria Nurmi.

Feb. 15, 1945 Awoke at 0900.  Went to A/C recon at 1030.  Wrote 5 letters.  Cleaned guns on 53.  Received 2 letters from Ginna.  Mission tomorrow. Played some ping pong.
Feb. 16, 1945 Mission #10
Awoke: 0500
Briefed: 0600
Target: Rosenheim Marshalling Yards
Place: Rosenheim, Germany
Took off: 0819
Landed: 1608
Flak: None
Fighters: None
Over Target: 1245
Ship: 55
Alt: 20,000-22,000 ft.
Temp: -30 deg.

Note: Briefed for Neuberg Airdrome but because of overcast we hit 1st alternate.  Escort did not arrive.  However picked up some P-38s.  A nice mission.  No mail today.

Feb. 17, 1945 Awoke 0730.  Had a combat picture taken today.  Took some snap shots.  Went to town and mailed Helen & Emily's, Ginna's & Kap presents.  Receive one letter from Emily.  Said they received Air Medal.
Feb. 18, 1945 Awoke at 0700.  Went to Group Armament until 1100.  Cleaned guns at 1300-1500.  Wrote 2 letters.  No mail.
Feb. 19, 1945 Awoke at 0730 & ate.  Washed clothes all day.  Rest of fellows went to town.  Was going to USO show but Colonel took away transportation.  I was tired so went to bed at 2000.  1 letter from Ginna.
Feb. 20, 1945 Mission #11
Awoke: 0500
Briefed: 0630
Target: Vienna South Rail Station
Place: Vienna, Austria
Take off: 0840
Land: 1608
Time over target: 1340
Flak: Intense & accurate
Damage: Hole by co-pilot's foot.  Hole thru front plexi-glass between pilot & co-pilot.  Hole thru nose turret.
Injuries: None
Fighters: None
Alt: 24,000 ft.
Temp: -38 deg
Ship: 55

Note: Very accurate flak.  Ship 49 missing.  Wolf on ship.  No mail today.

Feb. 22, 1945 Awoke at 0700.  Went to Group Armament at 0800 and shot skeet.  I hit 18.  We won 82-74.  Went to town this afternoon and took film in.  Saw a movie.  Received 3 letters tonight.
Feb. 23, 1945 No entry
Feb. 24, 1945 Awoke: 0400.  Briefed: 0545.  Took off: 0915.  Landed: 1500.  Bad weather prohibited us from bombing target or its primaries.  Returned with bombs.  No credit for mission.  My ear is very painful.
Feb. 26, 1945 Went to see Group Surgeon.  Says ear is ruptured.  Cleaned guns on 48.  Took some snapshots.  Received 4 letters & 1 package.  Wrote a couple of letters.
Feb. 27, 1945 Saw Group Surgeon this morning.  Says membrane is ruptured.  Muscles beat up.  Have to wait and see.  Went on guard duty.
Feb. 28, 1945 Had the entire day off.  Read a book and played some cards.  Was paid $12 for pay.  I owed $12 so I am broke.  Saw a show. "Mark of Whistler".  R. Dix.  Received 3 letters from Ginna.  Mission tomorrow.  Still grounded.
Feb. 29, 1945 Leap Year
Mar. 1, 1945 Fellows went to Moosbierbaum.  I saw Flight Surgeon.  Says ear is better.  Doesn't feel any different though.  Cleaned up tent today and aired clothes.  Played some football this afternoon.  Received 1 letter from Emily.
Mar. 2,1945 Awoke 0630.  Ate breakfast and went on sick call.  Ear getting better according to Doc.  I had gas mask cleaned.  Was on gravel detail all day.  Received one letter from Helen & V-Mail from Ginna.
Mar. 3, 1945 Ate breakfast and saw Flight Surgeon.  Ear better.  Read in afternoon and did washing.  Had a tail gunners meeting last night.  1 letterfrom Emily.
Mar. 4, 1945 Awoke at 0730.  Ate breakfast and saw Flight Surgeon.  Will fly soon.  Went to church.  Cleaned up tent.  Read a book.  Fellows went to Graz today.  No mail.
Mar. 5, 1944 No entry.
Mar. 6, 1945 Awoke at 0500, still grounded but will be on flying status tomorrow.  Cleaned up tent for inspection.  Crews stood down.  Saw a movie tonight, "Gildersleeve's Ghost".  Very funny.  1 letter from Bubba (brother), Ginna, Emily.
Mar. 7, 1945 Awoke 0430.  Briefed 0600.  Stand down 0800.  Went to movie in town, "Iron Major".  No mail.
Mar. 8, 1945 Mission #12
Target: Hagyeshalom Marshalling Yards
Place: Hagyeshalom, Hungary
Alt: 23,000 ft.
Temp: -30 deg
Take off: 0750
Landed: 1503
Over Target: 1238
Flak: None
Fighters: None
Damage: None
Injuries: None
Ship: 40

Note: Target was loaded with cars filled with supplies.  Direct hits.  1 letter from Ginna today.

Mar. 9, 1945 Awoke 0730.  Cleaned up tent.  Played football in afternoon.  Cleaned guns at 1800.  No mail.  Mission tomorrow.  Saw movie.
Mar. 10-11,1945 No entries
Mar. 12, 1945 Mission #13
Target: Florisdorf Oil Refinery
Place: Vienna, Austria
Take off: 0948
Over Target: 1402
Landed: 1717
Escort: 50 P-51's
Fighters: None
Injuries: None
Damage: None
Alt: 25,000 ft.
Temp: -36 deg
Ship: #46

Note: Surprised at inaccuracy of flak.  No mail.

Mar. 13, 1945 Reported on detail for cleaning of barn.  Finished at 1100.  Played a little football.  Received a letter from Grandma Han and 1 from Helen.  Hall & Ursen & Glenn & Zip left for a week to fly cargo to Yugoslavia.  Snack bar tonight.
Mar. 14, 1945 Went to Group Armament.  Came back and ate.  Went to town.  Had ice cream & cookies.  Saw movie & got laundry.  Returned and had one letter from (?).  Saw movie tonight.
Mar 15, 1945 Stayed in the sack and read.  Played some ping pong.  Received 2 letters from Ginna.
Mar. 16, 1945 Went to town in afternoon had ice cream.  Saw some G.I. shorts.  Played some craps last night.  Lost $10.  Received 3 letters.
Mar. 17, 1945 Played ping pong this morning.  Got rations this afternoon.  Also some G.I. movies.  Rcvd 3 letters. Played some craps. Won $25.
Mar. 18, 1945 Cleaned guns on 46 at 0930 so was unable to go to church.  Played ping pong & read in afternoon.  Played some craps at night.  Won $75.  No mail.
Mar. 19, 1945 Read in the morning.  Played ping pong in afternoon & went to town to get money order.  Also got stamps & envelopes.  Received 1 letter from Ginna.  Answered it & sent $75 money order to her.
Mar. 20, 1945 Awoke at 0730.  Ate breakfast and cleaned tent.  Played ping pong in morning.  Was on detail pitching hay in afternoon.  Hall, Ursen, Troth & Zip returned from Foggia.  Mission tomorrow.
Mar. 21, 1945 Mission #14
Target: Graz Marshalling Yards
Place: Graz, Austria
Take off: 1000
Over target: 1356
Landed: 1620
Flak: Moderate-inaccurate
Fighters: None
Injuries: None
Alt: 22,000 ft.
Temp: -30 deg
Bomb load: 4, 1000# E.P.
Escort: 16, P-38's
Plane#: 40, no. 3 pos.

Note: Briefed for Munich, Germany.  Target changed to Bruach before take off.  Overcast at Bruach so bombed Graz P.F.F.

Mar. 22, 1945 No entry.
Mar. 23, 1945 Mission #15
Target: Kagran Oil Refinery
Place: Vienna, Austria
Take off: 0730
Landed: 1440
Temp: -38 deg

Dropped bombs on a place 40mi from Vienna.  We aborted because of #1 super charger went out.  Right foot frost bitten.  7-500#.  2 P-38 escorted us to Zora.  No 3 pos.  Plane 49.

Mar 24, 1945 Mission #16
Target: Budejovice Marshalling Yards
Place: Budejovice, Czechoslovakia
Take off: 0710
Over target: 1135
Landed: 1459
Flak: None
Fighters: None
Injuries: None
Temp: -32 deg
Alt: 21,000 ft.
Bomb load: 36-1000#

Note: No escort.  Plane #46

Mar. 25, 1945 Went to Palm Sunday Services then went to town this afternoon.  No movie.  No played pingpong.  2 letters.
Mar. 26,1945 Stayed in yesterday.  Got rations.  Read all day.  Wrote some letters.  Received 3 letters.
Mar. 27, 1945 Got my laundry.  Was suppose to have flown but stand down.  Read a book.  Received letters from Aunt Hallie, 1 from Dad.
Mar. 28, 1945 Awoke 0700 and had breakfast.  Read 2 books today.  No mail today.  Saw a movie, "Animal Kingdom" w/Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan, Alexis Smith.  (Editors note: Filmed in the autumn of 1943, but wasn't released until 1946, allegedly because of Warner Bros.' lack of confidence in its box office potential.)
Mar 29, 1945 Had inspection today.  Played some ping pong with Rouch.  Went to town this afternoon.  Picked up Henry's laundry.  Saw a G.I. movie (?) lecture.  Very intensely short subject.  "Nostradomus IV.  Prophesied that Hitler would have his throat cut either by Goering or Himmler.  War news is hitting climax.  War seems nearly over.  I hope so.  God grant that we may return to our homes & loved ones.  It's a great country that our land of liberty, Amen.
Mar. 30, 1945 Stayed in and read today.  Played a little catch in the afternoon.  Saw a movie, "Gent of Barnary Coast".  Wallace Berry.  Good.
Mar. 31, 1945 Read some in morning.  Went to town in afternoon.  Saw a movie, "Strike Up The Band". Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney.  Had some cookies and ice cream at Red Cross.  Got paid.  Won $60 in crap game.
Apr. 1, 1945 Awoke at 0700, ate breakfast, sent $60 home.  Went to church.  Played Black Jack in afternoon.  Lost $31.  Played Black Jack at night.  Lost $41.  Had a cheese sandwich at snack bar.
Apr. 2, 1945 Slept until 0900.  Played Craps.  Won $8.  Went to town & had cookies and ice cream.  Saw "Winged Victory".  Saw "Mr Sheffington” tonight.  Mission tomorrow.
Apr. 3, 1945 Played some poker yesterday.  Won $10.  Dom went to see Grandma in S. Italy.  Had (?) at snack bar.  fly. Stand down.
Apr. 4, 1945 Awoke 0700.  Ate breakfast.  Stand down.  Cleaned tent for inspection by Colonel.  Troth, Morris & Brooksflying.  Played pinochle with Clyde.  Played some poker with (?).  Lost $6.  Saw V.D. film then movie, "My Pal Wolf".  Mission tomorrow.
Apr. 5, 1945 Mission #17
Target: Brescia Marshalling Yards
Place: Brescia, Italy
Take off: 0930
Landed: 1506
Over target: 1243
Fighters: None
Flak: None
Injuries: None
Ship#: 55
Escort: 6, P-51s
Temp: -20 deg
Alt: 20,000 ft.

Note: 1 letter from Emily.

Apr. 6, 1945 Awoke at 0630.  Went on detail at 0800.  Played some ping pong in afternoon & read.  Went to see a show tonight, "Broadway To Bowery".  Very good cast & play.
Apr. 7, 1945 Received rations today.  Rather skimpy.  Went to town.  Saw "Laura".  Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews.  Very good mystery.  Took in my clothes and picked up Morris.  Received 4 letters.
Apr. 8, 1945 Awoke at 0730.  Ate breakfast.  Cleaned up tent.  Roosh & crew went to Rome.  We flew gunnery mission so didn't get to church.  Received 5 letters.
Apr. 9, 1945 Mission #18 - Italian D Day
Awoke: 0700
Briefed: 0945
Target: Troop Concentrations
Place: Lugo, Northern Italy
Take off: 1230
Landed, 1st time: 1350
Took off: 1405
Land: 1645
Flak: Slight
Fighters: None
Damage: None
1st ship: 48
2nd ship: 67

Note: 48 had some problems.  Reached target in 1 hour but too late for group.  Went out twice, and returned twice with bombs.  No mail today.

Apr. 10, 1945 Mission #19
Awoke: 0530
Briefed: 0700
Target: Troop Concentrations
Place: Lugo, Northern Italy
Take off: 0916
Landed: 1445
Over target: 1223
Flak: Marker
Fighters: None
Damage: None
Injuries: None
Bomb load: Frags

Note: 1 letter from Aunt Aggie.

Apr. 11, 1945 Around all day.  Zip returned from (?).  Saw "Atlantic City".
Apr. 12, 1945 Cleaned guns on 50.  Got gas.
Apr. 13, 1945 Was stunned to hear that Roosevelt died yesterday.  Went to town and saw movie.  Picked up cleaning.
Apr. 14, 1945 Played footbal this morning.  Got rations today.  Received four letters.  Dad, Helen, Ginna, dada.  Answered 3.
Apr. 15, 1945 Mission #20
Target: Troop Concentrations
Place: Bologna, N. Italy
Take off: 1055
Over target: 1425
Landed: 1700
Flak: Marker
Fighters: None
Injuries: None
Alt: 20,000 ft.
Temp: -25 deg
Bomb load: 20, 250# RDX
Ship#: 40

Note: Henry, Hall, Troth made 25 (missions) today.  Received 2 letters, Bob Laird & Aunt Agnes.  Lost $10.

Apr. 16, 1945 Mission #21
Target: Troop Concentrations
Place: Bologna, N. Italy
Take off: 1015
Over target: 1325
Landed: 1610
Ship#: 40

Note: Did not drop bombs due to weather.  Received 2 letters, 1 from Stan, 1 from Emily

Apr. 17, 1945 Mission #22
Target: Troop Concentration
Place: Bologna, N Italy
Flak: None
Fighters: None
Apr. 18, 1945 Went to show.  Saw G.I. shorts.  Saw movie at base, "Bride By Mistake".  One letter from Ginna.  On guard duty last night.  Received package from home.  Salami, fish, and crackers.
Apr. 19, 1945 Got haueut(?).  Washed hat.  Read reports in Intelligence.  Slept until 1100.  No mail today.
Apr. 20, 1945 Mission #23
Target: Lusia Road Bridge, Northern Italy
Place: Po Valley, Northern Italy
Take off: 0805
Over target: 1215
Landed: 1405
Flak: None
Fighters: None
Escort: 24, P-51s
Ship#: 41

Note: New movie, "Hollywood Canteen".  62 stars.

Apr. 21, 1945 Had inspection by the wheels.  Played ping pong & read.  No mail.
Apr. 22,1945 Stand down.  Went to church.  Saw Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall, "To Have And Have Not".  No mail.
Apr. 23, 1945 Mission #24
Target: Badia Bridge, N Italy
Place: Po Valley, N Italy
Take off: 0815
Over target: 1240
Landed: 1410
Flak: Intense-accurate
Fighters: None
Alt: 18,500 ft.
Ship#: 40
Bomb load: 5-1000#

Note: Saw "The Conspirators" Hedy Lamarr & Paul Henreid.  Very good.  No mail.  Morris is at dispensary - bad tooth.

Apr. 24, 1945 Mission #25
Target: Rovereto Marshalling Yards
Place: Brenner Pass, Italy
Awoke: 0315
Briefed: 0500
Take off: 0700
Landed: 1445
Fighters: None
Flak: Moderate - inaccurate
Alt: 23,000 ft.
Ship: 55

Note: Flew replacement with Curtis crew.  E.M. off the ball(?).  R.O. pulled off oxygen and 6 (?).  Received 1 letter from Christine, 1 from Aunt Hallie, 2 from Emily.  Saw a USO show tonight, "Corn's A Poppin".  Had salami sandwich & lemonade.

Apr. 25 1945 No Entry.
Apr. 26, 1945 Mission #26
Awoke: 0530
Briefed: 0645
Target: Lienz Marshalling Yards
Place: Lienz, So. Austria
Take off: 0850
Over target: 1320
Returned: 1605
Flak: None
Fighters: None
Injuries: None
Plane#: 45-MIC
Bomb Load: 10-250.

Note: Made 2 runs.  Bombed at 14,000 ft. due to weather.  Mts. were 18,000.  Good results.  No mail.

Apr. 27-28, 1945 No entries.
Apr. 29, 1945 Went to church in morning.  Went to town in afternoon.  Received 3 letters.
Apr. 30, 1945 Went to briefing but had stand down.  Saw movie, "Home In Indiana".  Was paid $83.40.  Won $10 shooting craps.
May 1, 1945 No passes today.  Played ping pong and read today.  Was promoted to Staff Sergeant.  Good deal.  Won 17 bucks shooting craps.  Paid Burke $20, Dominick $10, Glenn $9.  Received one letter from Dad.
May 2, 1945 Awake at 0700.  Went on detail.  Cleaned theater and service club.  Was screened by the wheels.  Wrote four letters.  Received two from Emily.  Paper said Hitler is dead.  Northern Italy surrendered all Italian and German troops tonight.  Sent $50 home.
May 3-4,1945 No entries.
May 5, 1945 Went to (?) lecture.  Got rations, saw ball game.  Received letters from Peg & Kay.

This was last entry in diary.