461st plaque

461st Bombardment Group (H)

764th Crews 765th Crews 766th Crews 767th Crews

 Aldredge - #67 Alkire  Arents - #64-1  Austin - 4/16-4  Ballinger - #4/16-7  Bogner - #80R  Bowyer - #79-0  Boyer - #77-1  Bush - #61  Cameron - #79-2  Capalbo  Card - #70-3  Clarke - #73R  Connor - #2/11  Crinkley - #6233  Crume - #62-1  Delana - #72-2  Diggs - #71  Fisher - #78  Frazier - #8/31  Galvan - #78-2  George - #61-2  Hailey - #79  Hamer - #5/7-4  Hansen - #12/12  Harrison - #81R  Heald - #71 Henry - #63R  Herbert - #70-2  Hettinger - #1/19  Horn - #66-1  Huchzermeier - #7831  Huggard - #75  Hutton - #4/16-5  Jones - #68R  Kane - #63-1  Krahn - #77  Kuestersteffen - #83-?  Lang - #12/2  Langley - #82-  Luebke - #7/27  Maroney - #73  McGinnis - #109  Mertz - #65R  Miller - #74R  Millikin - #72-1  Moore - #4276  Morgan - #78  Muller - #77-0  Nelson - #76  Newton - #7/23  Olson - #7/27-2  Phillips - #76R  Podwolsky - #63-2  Rawchuck - #69-1  Riley - #68  Rosecrans - #7/271  Roswurm - #70-1  Rush - #75-1  Ryan - #71R  Schultz - #73  Silvis - #4/8  Steinberg - #2/7  Stockton - #71-1  Strong - #64  Swinehart - #61-1  Torres - #65  Trohman - #74  Trommershausser  Vogel - #12/2-1  Walsh - #76-1  Walters - #63  Warren - #69  Wiley - #12/17  Willing - #61-  Woodard - #60  Wright - #72  Yauger - #78-3  Zumsteg - #62

Lang - #12/2

MACR #10742

Lang crew #12/2 

Standing L-R: rditto, ? (B)*; Helton, Eldred H. (CP); Lang, Charles V. Jr. (P); Mohlman, Arthur W. (N)

Kneeling Middle L-R:Engelke, Wilfred A. (RO/LWG); Bosso, Guy V. (E/RWG); Reed, Lon N. Jr. (TT)

Seated Front L-R: Rutter, James M. (BG); Meeks, Arthur** (TG); Johansson, Hjalmar O. (NG)

*Arditto did not deploy to Italy with crew.

Helton was flying with Galvan's crew on 12/17/44.

**Tail gunner did not deploy due to illness (replaced by Norton, Harold R.).

Lang crew #12/2 

Standing L-R: Mohlman, Arthur W. (N); Lang, Charles V. Jr. (P); Helton, Eldred H. (CP); Arditto, ? (B)

Kneeling L-R: Reed, Lon N. Jr. (TT); Bosso, Guy V. (E/RWG); Engelke, Wilfred A. (RO/LWG)

Sitting L-R: Johansson, Hjalmar O. (NG); Meeks, Arthur (TG); Rutter, James M. (BG)

This crew was shot down on their first mission - 17 December 1944.

Guy V. Bosso

Interview with Guy V. Bosso from April 1945

AAF# Type Group Sq Sq# Nickname
42-51322 B-24J 461 767 66 Unknown

PILOT:    1st Lt. Charles V. Lang, Carrollton, AL, Married

MISSIONS:    Unknown

LAST SIGHTED:    1200, Muglitz 49-47'N 16-56'E

DOWN:    1230

WHERE:    Rytaik, Rybnik, Skrzischow.  Guy Bosso says he bailed out over Adony, Hungary.

Aircraft left formation 150 miles NW of Budapest.  Navigator, Arthur W. Mohlman, left formation 50 north of Lake Battaton.  S/Sgt Robert F. Miller, tail gunner lead ship in formation, "#66 was 600-700 yards behind the formation at the time of the first attack."  T/Sgt. H. N. Ryan, in bomber #60, "#66 went under our aircraft.  All engines were going and no fighters were after him - then an FW-190 went down after #66."  T/Sgt. Russell H. Ritchel, right waist, #63 in number 2 position, C Flight, first section. (767), "#66 pulled up along side of us from the rear with a fighter on his tail.  Fire and smoke were coming from #3 engine."  Cpl. Guy V. Bosso, right waist gunner, says Lang ordered him to check on the fuel leak in bomb bays.  #66 peeled off to right and fell away.  The enemy fighter on his tail burst into flames.  #66 fell about 500 yards, blew up and fell in two pieces.  Entire crew got out and 7 were captured about 3:45 PM.  German reports note, Cpl. James M. Rutter, "Refuses to talk!"  Crewmen will not even reveal type of aircraft they were flying.  Lang and 3 others were picked up by Russians and returned to Fifteenth AF.

Then (12/30/44)

Guy Bosso 

L-R: Elden A. (R/O), Hank Slonski(?) TG of the 743rd Squadron, 455th Bomb Group, Guy Bosso 461st.


Guy Bosso 

Hjalmar Johannson(left) and Guy Bosso (right) in 2000.

Lang Escape Statement

Maggard Escape Statement

Bosso Escape Statement

Reed Escape Statement